Ella Day's Story: Balloon Sinuplasty

I came in to see Dr. Robertson because I was experiencing really bad drainage and I would have pressure from the sinuses. I would have headaches would have constant sinusitis at different periods on the same day. I would have just like a pouring nose and then randomly I would just get stuffy. I also was on the softball team so with conditioning I was a total mouth breather. My coaches were always on top of me for not being able to stay on top of being able to run well and keeping up with a team. I also was just struggling being constantly sick. I would often go to the docking box to get help for my sinus infections. I would just get the shots that were steroid shots or I'd be constantly put on antibiotics or allergy medicines but they didn't provide the help that I needed to get better.

When I had the balloon sinuplasty procedure, it was performed here at the office. They numbed my nose and I was awake the whole time with no anesthesia. Dr. Robertson walked me through the whole thing and it was very easy. My recovery wasn't bad at all I just experienced a little headache after the surgery and then once I got home I just relaxed and the next day I was fine to return to my normal activities.

My life is so much better I've been able to sleep better and I've been able to breathe better. I'm no longer constantly sick and I don't have pressure headaches. It's been overall just a great change for me. Now that I've had the balloon sinuplasty procedure, I would recommend it to others because it's such an easy procedure. There's such little recovery time and the results are amazing.