Tips to Avoid a Sinus Infection

Tips to Avoid a Sinus Infection

Sinus infections (sinusitis) aren’t just annoying, but also painful. Many people will suffer from at least one sinus infection each year, but for others, it is a more common occurrence. Treating sinus infections can be a lengthy process and it can take a long time for an infection to completely go away. Like so many other health problems, preventing infection is a much better option than having to cure one. Follow these tips this winter to avoid coming down with a sinus infection so you can stay healthy.

  • Stay hydrated. A hydrated body helps keep your nose and sinus cavity working properly. If your nose is feeling especially dry, a saline spray is an effective way to remoisten your nasal passages.

  • Get plenty of fresh air. Keep track of the pollen count and overall air quality in your area. On days when the quality is good, make sure you spend some time outside enjoying the fresh air! Another way to get fresh air is by airing out your home from time to time. Using air purifiers and opening windows on a nice day will help reduce bacterial and viral counts indoors, especially in a multi-family member home where people get sick and pass their illnesses to each other. 

  • Avoid Smoking. Smoking can cause a mucus backup in your sinuses that can lead to developing chronic sinusitis.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep your immune system strong. Make sure to keep a healthy, nutrient-rich diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, etc.

  • Prevent your interiors from becoming too dry. Dry air becomes more of a problem during the winter months as heating systems can dry out the air. Be sure to use a humidifier in your home when the air is too dry.

  • Wash your hands and practice good hygiene. Germs and bacteria are always best avoided, especially during cold and flu season. Be sure to wash your hands regularly throughout the day, and try to avoid people with colds as much as possible.

  • Avoid getting in close contact with people who are showing signs of upper respiratory infections.

  • If you have any serious issues relating to your nose, such as a break or deviated septum, they should be addressed right away. Anything that prevents optimal airflow through your nasal passages can lead to further problems. Be sure that any issues affecting your ability to breathe are corrected in a timely fashion.

If you find yourself coming down with a sinus infection in spite of your best efforts, the team at Dr. Robertson's office is here to help! Call today and schedule an appointment to get you back to your normal, healthy self!